Flat Strip Drainage System
Hydraway is a flat strip drainage solution that has been proven to last longer and perform better than traditional drainage systems.
It is a geo-composite subsurface drainage solution composed of a structured high-density polyethylene (HDPE) perforated core that is thermally bonded to a geotextile filter fabric. The innovative fabric allows water to pass through while retaining backfill materials. The perforated core allows water collection from all sides and provides a continuous flow path.

Hydraway vs.
French Drain
Hydraway is installed vertically or horizontally, depending on the application. While traditional French drain systems require, on average, a trench 8 inches wide, Hydraway requires a trench 3-4 inches wide. This innovative system reduces the labor hours required for installation and the amount of backfill material needed, resulting in cost savings.

Avoid Failing Drainage Systems
with The Stripe
Hydraway features an innovative design compared to traditional perforated pipe and aggregate subsurface drainage systems. We ship in widths of 6 and 12 inches with a standard length of 150 feet, but can customize lengths and widths upon request.
Our system features the industry’s highest in-flow rate and compressive strength, removes water 70% faster than traditional systems, and has a proven track record for a dependable, long life. With no known product failures when installed correctly and significant labor and maintenance savings, it’s easy to see why Hydraway is leading the industry in drainage solutions.
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