Parking Lot Drainage

Add significant life to your parking lot investment by installing a superior drainage solution that prevents water damage.

Protect Porous Surfaces

Parking lot surfaces like asphalt allow water to seep through over time. Eventually, this trickle of water will cause several problems. The two most common are erosion under the lot’s surface, creating empty spaces and weakness, and trapped water that freezes.

As water sits inside the asphalt or another porous surface, it will freeze, expand, and weaken the internal structure of the lot and cause severe cracking. Over time, this process just accelerates.

While damage due to water can never be 100% eliminated, an effective drainage solution like Hydrawaywith its superior compressive strength, high in-flow rates, and resistance to clogging can extend the life of your parking lot.

The Hydraway Drainage System

Save Your Parking Lot

Water is an incredibly destructive force, and parking lots without proper drainage to mitigate erosion and trapped water risk their life span being dramatically shortened.

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The Causes of Water Damage

There are two major causes of parking lot damage due to water: freezing within cracks and porous surfaces and erosion of the material under the parking lot surface. Both cause a significant risk of potholes or worse, damaging your investment and discouraging visitors, customers, and event attendees.


After a significant rainstorm, water will slowly seep inside and below the surface. If this occurs during the late fall or winter months and the parking lot does not have an effective drainage system, the water will likely freeze, expand, and create cracks or expand existing ones. Hydraway has an unmatched ability to carry away excess water and mitigate that damage to help your lot stay intact longer.


Without a proper subsurface drainage solution, the earth, whatever its makeup (e.g., soil or rocks), will almost certainly begin to break down and flow away. Without a solid foundation for the lot surface, the lot will start to degrade quickly.

The Hydraway Drainage System

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