- Project : Field of Dreams
- Location : Dyersville, Iowa
- Product : Hydraway 12″
- Application : Baseball Field
- Challenge : Hydraway was tasked with supplying the drainage system for a new baseball field in preparation for a game between the Yankees and the White Sox. The new baseball field is located on the site where the movie Field of Dreams was filmed, giving Hydraway a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
- Solution : Over 12,000 feet of 12-inch Hydraway was supplied for this iconic field. Because the area frequently receives heavy rainfall, a percolation rate of 18 to 28-inches per hour was specified, meaning 3-inches of precipitation an hour before the game would be efficiently diverted off the field without rain delay.
- Result : The drainage system was a win! In fact, the new field received 2.5 inches of rain the evening before the televised game and Hydraway made it possible for the water to be diverted off the field so the field crew could mow the field that morning – and the rest is history for this iconic baseball field.

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