Why Is Hydraway the Leading Drainage Supply Company?

If you’re about to invest in a commercial drainage system for your athletic field, road, landscape, or residential projects  you need to find commercial drainage supplies that won’t leak or fail. Fortunately, Hydraway offers commercial and civil drainage supplies that drain water quickly and effectively. Let’s look at how and why Hydraway’s offerings are better than any other available commercial drainage system.

How Hydraway Compares to Other Types of Commercial Drainage Systems

Often, when businesses and organizations look for drainage solutions, they turn to French drains or perforated drainage pipes. French drains involve putting a pipe in a sloped trench surrounded by gravel. Water drains through the gravel into the pipe and flows down the slope. This drainage method became popular in the 1800s, and the drainage industry has made many improvements since then. Perforated pipe systems arose as an alternative to French drains. They often have holes drilled in their sides, and contractors install perforated pipe systems with the holes facing down. Then water can rise up through the holes and into the pipe and flow away. However, even with its improvements, a perforated pipe does not match Hydraway. When we tested a four-inch perforated pipe against a section of Hydraway’s drainage system, Hydraway comes out on top. How? We mounted the perforated pipe in one bucket and the Hydraway system in another. Then we poured five gallons of water into each bucket and drained them until one gallon was left in each one. The perforated pipe took 27 seconds to drain the water, but Hydraway took just 11 seconds to drain it. Overall, Hydraway is simpler and more effective than other drainage systems. Why Do Hydraway Systems Drain Water So Quickly?

Hydraway drainage systems drain water more quickly than other types of drainage systems because it’s made up of a grid style core and is thermally bonded to   a geotextile filter fabric. This design creates open space between the dimples  so excess water can flow over 75% of the system’s surface. On the other hand, perforated pipes often have in-flow rates of 4% to 5%, so water only flows across a small amount of their surface areas, the same is the case for French drains.

Why Do Hydraway Systems Drain Water So Quickly?

Hydraway drainage systems drain water more quickly than other types of drainage systems because it’s made up of a grid of small tubes that connect to each other and fit within a fabric covering. This design creates open space between the tubes so excess water can flow over 75% of the system’s surface. On the other hand, perforated pipes often have inflow rates of 4% to 5%, so water only flows across a small amount of their surface areas, same is the case for French drains.

What Applications Does Hydraway Work Best For?

Hydraway was originally designed for highway edge drains, but now it has a wide variety of applications. It has become very popular for sports field drainage at every level, from school to professional athletic fields. Hydraway systems have been used by several MLB teams. It also effectively drains parking lots, roadways, civil construction projects, landscaping, and residential foundations. Our versatility is one of our greatest strengths.

Why Install Hydraway Beneath Your Athletic Field, Road, or Foundation?

Why do Hydraway’s capabilities matter, and how do they improve your field, road, or foundation?

Hydraway drains water as it falls on fields and roads to prevent standing water from forming. For example, we provided a Hydraway system to a contractor in New Orleans, Louisiana who installed it beneath a natural turf baseball field. The field was located below sea level, which caused problems with flooding, particularly after heavy rainfall. Once the contractor installed a Hydraway system beneath the field, it could sustain three inches of rain in an afternoon, drain it, and be ready for baseball games by the same evening.

Our systems also prevent stormwater or standing water from damaging your commercial building’s foundation. Overall, they drain excess water so the ground or foundation above the system does not experience flooding or water damage.

Talk to Your Contractor About Installing Hydraway

Reach out to your contractor to discuss the possibility of installing a Hydraway system beneath your field, road, construction project, or foundation. They can connect with us to receive the system and support to help them install Hydraway properly.

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