Hydraway for Volleyball Courts
Hydraway’s drainage solutions are excellent for installation underneath grass or turf athletic fields, but they’re also ideal for outdoor volleyball courts. Volleyball courts are often made of sand, making them particularly susceptible to clogging.
One of the advantages of Hydraway drainage solutions is that they are extremely resistant to clogging. Constructed with needle-punctured fabric that is thermally bonded to a molded polyethylene core, the Hydraway system successfully blocks the intake of silt, dirt, and sand. Traditional perforated pipe systems will inevitably begin to fill with their surrounding material, leading to standing water on the surface and erosion below. Our solutions, on the other hand, block soil and sand particles to keep your court intact.

Higher In-flow Rates
Clogging isn’t the only challenge where conventional perforated pipe systems fall short. As a function of their design, they simply can’t take in as much water as necessary to eliminate standing water or handle substantial weather events properly. While clogging stops water from moving through the system once it has already made its way inside, a limited in-flow rate means there will be water surrounding the pipe as it drains from the surface.
Hydraway is different. Our system has industry-leading in-flow rates while offering clog resistance other athletic field drainage systems can’t match. When these two features are combined, it’s a solution that protects volleyball courts from erosion and environmental factors that can degrade the integrity of the court and the ability of players to play safely.

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